The E-Bike World

Riding a bike is something we are taught from an early age: from using training wheels to the independence of a mountain bike.

Recently, however, its usage and meaning have evolved: from a means of transportation and daily use to a tool for escaping, visiting both new and familiar places while being immersed in nature.

Cyclotourism is showing positive trends, with a particular increase in travelers choosing the pedal-assisted bicycle (E-bike) to move freely, covering greater distances with less effort.

Let’s take a closer look at how the E-bike works and what it brings to the table, a term recently introduced in this sector.
The E-bike is chosen by people of different ages who want to experience nature in an unconventional way and in company. The pedal assistance allows people with varying physical capabilities to cover long distances together.

This factor has led to an exponential growth of cyclotourism, which in turn has prompted the hospitality sector to adapt by offering services related to bicycles. Specifically, it focuses on treating the bike as a “customer,” providing secure bike storage, basic tools, connections with local bike repair shops, information about local bike paths, and even the possibility to wash and dry technical clothing.

Facilities that have adapted to this trend also have the opportunity to promote themselves through the ALBERGABICI.IT consultancy service, created and managed by FIAB (Federazione Italiana Amici della Bicicletta) , which gathers hotels, agritourisms, bed and breakfasts, pensions, campsites, mountain refuges, hostels, and residences that welcome cyclotourists.

In addition to this initiative, it is also evident that stores that initially offered E-bike rentals have ridden the wave by adding E-bike tour organization to their services, led by expert guides who can help you appreciate the surrounding nature even more.
Italy ranks 8th in the global cyclotourism ranking compiled by the International Centre for Tourism Economics thanks to its bike paths in regions like Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Tuscany, around Lake Garda, and along the Po River in Ferrara.

Trentino Alto Adige is the region that has invested the most in the E-bike trend, with over 170,000 cyclotourists passing through the area each year between April and October, which are the ideal months for cycling.

Veneto is also investing heavily in this market, with many bike paths, such as those around Lake Garda.

We recommend BIKEandGO, a client of ours that specializes in E-bike rentals and tour organization. You can find them at their new location in Bibione, at Via Corso del Sole 8, or visit their website at, which we created for them.
Here are a few reasons to choose an E-bike:

For those who think that cycling means “being fit,” the E-bike allows you to cover up to 50 kilometers, including climbs, right from the start.

For those who are loyal to their scooter for getting around the city, the E-bike offers a valid alternative with similar speeds, reduced costs, and zero emissions.

For families who want to enjoy the outdoors with their children while teaching them to experience the landscape in an eco-sustainable way, the E-bike can be equipped with child trailers and other accessories.

For those who often transport heavy items, the E-bike can be used in its cargo version.

But most importantly, it’s a way to stay fit without overexerting yourself! Cycling is a great way to exercise outdoors.

Thus, we can say that cyclotourism is no longer just a day trip adventure but has become a true vacation experience!

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