Towards the Future of Inbound and Content Marketing

Content, content, and more content! Created and distributed through different channels, tactics, and tools, content marketing will become even more crucial for communication. So, if you want to stand out, focus on the potential of inbound and content marketing.

But what are the key elements to focus on in the near future?
With a 70% growth in communication over the past four years and an overproduction of messages, it will be increasingly necessary to find ways to stand out. Creating something new on macro topics that have already been widely discussed will become less productive.

Instead, it will be more effective to target specific groups of people who have not been reached by tailored communication (perhaps using tools that are still underutilized but increasingly appreciated, like podcasts).

Niche content will be the mega-trend of the next period!
To capture the attention of users, creating short and immediate content will become even more important.

No more long, overly detailed posts, but rather video clips, infographics, animations… and any other format that’s easy to consume. Considering that videos represent 58% of internet traffic consumption (according to the 2018 Global Internet Phenomena report by Sandvine), it’s no surprise that Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat stories have become the perfect tools to engage users in your brand’s narrative.
Transparency is not optional.

Consumers are increasingly seeking brands that embrace valid causes for the good of the planet. So no more empty promises, but concrete actions that fulfill positive missions where the customer can recognize themselves and identify with the brand.

Communicating authenticity will be essential, and influencer marketing is one of the tools to focus on: content generated by users, rather than by the brand itself, is what potential customers are looking for when choosing a brand.

Customizing communication: Absolutely! Personalization is one of the strengths of inbound marketing, and it’s expected to grow even more. Investing in technologies that allow intimate interaction with potential customers (such as personalized messages) can lead to a 20% increase in sales opportunities. Similarly, conversational chats (like Facebook Messenger) and chatbots will become increasingly indispensable for providing instant support at any time.

Online search techniques are changing. While voice searches are rapidly increasing (20% of mobile searches on Google are done via voice, and 71% of young people aged 18-29…), it’s clear that adapting to these new search behaviors is crucial for staying relevant in the digital world.

Voice Assistants and the Evolution of Search Engines

While today’s users effortlessly interact with Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, search engines themselves are becoming increasingly sophisticated and intelligent. Whatever the future of technology holds, adjusting the structure and quality of content will be essential to ensure that your website appears at the top of search results.
To summarize: there are already many effective tools for winning inbound and content marketing strategies, and they are spreading across an increasing number of businesses. To stand out, all you need to do is learn how to use these existing tools well, keep an eye on the innovations coming down the pipeline, and be ready to take full advantage of anything new that the world of communication has to offer!

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